This is an incredibly exciting time to be an imaging scientist. Technology and new solutions are evolving faster than ever.
Ask anyone in the field, and they’ll tell you about the amazing technological and scientific advances being done in their labs, in their facilities and all over the world.
Through this project, you will discover why imaging scientists are just so essential for the future of scientific discovery, what motivates them, the challenges and opportunities they face and who these Imaging Scientists are.
We hope you enjoy meeting and learning about our Imaging Scientists.
People of Imaging
Recognising and Celebrating Imaging Scientists
We explore who ‘imaging scientists’ are, their contribution to science and the opportunities and challenges they face day-to-day in using imaging to answer scientific questions.Career Path
Imaging Scientists follow many different paths to their positions.
In different departments and institutions, approaches vary for acknowledging contribution and achievement.
Rapid developments in imaging technology are enabling new scientific discoveries but requires expert Imaging Scientists to ensure technical capabilities are matched to requirements and goals of experiments.

Team Science
Cross-discipline collaboration expands the scientific questions we can answer and the critical problems we can solve.
Imaging technology and staff require sustainable funding and business plans to ensure research excellence.
Imaging Scientists provide critical training for young scientists and ensure instrumentation is maintained and used correctly.